Sunday, February 8, 2009

If I were Obama's Economic Advisor

Part 1
Dear Mr. Obama,

I have noticed that one of the factors of our ailing economy seems to be the slowly rising unemployment rate. America's unemployment rate has rose from 7.2% to 7.6%, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistic's, January 2009 Employment Situation Summary. Although the current unemployment rate is small in comparison to that of the Great Depression's 25%, more jobs must be created if we wish to prevent our current unemployment rate from rising to higher levels. I propose a plan to create new jobs for Americans.

All companies with an annual revenue of $500 million or more that choose to sell their products in America must base at least 10% of their manufacturing workforce in America. America is one of the largest consumer nations, therefore all of these large companies cannot afford to lose their revenue planted within the American people.

During his first inaugural speech, FDR said, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..." You must reassure the American people that our current economic crisis is not as threatening as the Great Depression. They will lose confidence in the ability to progress if you even begin to hint that you are not confident in America's ability to overcome this situation or if you favor discussing the hardships rather than the solutions.

Part 2
I will interview my mentor in my office on Thursday, February 12th. I will record the interview using the iPod microphone.

1 comment:

Paul Santillan said...

You should have more evidence in your second and third paragraphs, Maybe some links to articles proving your statements about Americas large consumerism or a link to FDRs Speech